EE 531

Semiconductor Devices & Device Simulation
Physics and Modeling of Nanoscale VLSI Devices

Spring Quarter 2017
Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30-4:20pm
Room: MEB 234

Instructor: Scott Dunham

The course is aimed at understanding nanoscale semiconductor device operation, emphasizing CMOS technology at the current state-of-the-art and beyond. The focus of the course is on submicron MOS devices and what happens as these devices get smaller and faster. Device simulation using commercial TCAD tools will be used extensively to illustrate and explore device behavior. A simulation project will be required along with a midterm, final and homeworks (which will also have simulation problems).

Target Audience: Graduate students and advanced undergraduates in electrical engineering, computer engineering and physics interested in VLSI devices and circuits.

Course Description: Study of device phenomena in very small and high-speed devices including effects of scaling, interfaces, and high doping. Control of electrical characteristics (threshold voltage, breakdown voltage, on/off currents, current gain, switching speed) in small MOS structures. Extensive use of device simulation software. 4 class hours. 4 credits.

Texts: "Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices, 2nd Edition" by Yuan Taur and Tak Ning, 2009

Prerequisites: EE 482 (Semiconductor Devices) or equivalent