PMM Online Simulation: Arsenic

This feature only works with Netscape 2.0 or greater, or IE 4.0 or greater.

Running a dopant-defect simulation using PMM/DOPDEES.

This is a copyrighted software. The models used in this simulation are not available for online viewing. Contact

The output of this simulation can be viewed as a .PNG file after the run. It is also available as a data file for download. Maximum allowed simulation time is 5 mins. Any simulation that takes longer will be killed.

Use Only CGS Units


Select one or all the four possible ways to initiate the initial arsenic conentration

Note: Total As = initial + implant file + implant data + gaussian


Enter Plus 'N'(default: 1)

Grid Specification

Carefully select a grid based on the implant input you specified.

Choose Ultra Low Energy (ULE) ( for As < 10 keV), Medium Energy (ME) for As < 150 keV, High Energy (HE) for more suited for larger implant energies


Simulation Variables

Sorry no ramps for now
Carefully select these if you are only testing, to avoid long simulation times.
Enter Temperature for simulation (C)[default: 800 C, Max: 1150 C]
Enter time for experiment (in seconds) [default: 60 s, Max: 900 s]
endformPlease wait while running dopdees

Average run times (using most physical models)(single simulation using a single processor)

[Check simulation output at][Once complete download output file(s):]

Remember to reload PNG Image of Ouput

Srini Chakravarthi

Last modified Nov 9, 1999