PMM/DOPDEES Distribution
Boston University

Source Code
Use this link to get a recent distribution (passwd protected). The current release is Version 99.11.08. Updates in this new distribution include new scripts for carbon, vacancy clusters and more examples based on user inputs. This release is only available for SRC member companies and associated University researchers. If you fall within these categories, contact Srini Chakravarthi or Scott Dunham for the password.

Online Demo of PMM
Do a web based simulation to test our models. This is available only to SRC member companies. Use the same password as used for the distribution.

The concept of Process Modeling Modules (PMM) came out when we realized that there was a gap to be filled between a process modeling software like SUPREM and a partial differential equation (PDE) solver like DOPDEES or Alamode. Process modelers are not flexible enough to let you choose the equations you want to be solved for, they are hard-coded and you can only change some parameters. On the other hand, when using a PDE solver, you have to specify every single equation and parameter in all input decks, even if some equations and parameters are considered to be well-known.

Thus, one form of software gave you no flexibility, while the other required you to do the same work over and over, giving way to bugs. We attack this dilemma by writing reusable modules that can be incorporated into input decks of PDE solvers. This will keep the flexibility of a PDE solver, while providing reasonable defaults for models and parameters.

Manuals and Publications

[Group Publications ]

Examples: Simulations Using PMM Modules

A TED simulation of a medium energy boron implant.
A cluster model ( using B3I clusters) for boron and
a analytic model for interstitial type {311} defects
was used for this simulation.

Simulation of an ultra shallow B junction.

30 keV, 1.2e14 phosphorus implant annealed for 30 min at 800 C.
Atleast 50% of the implant dose is lost to the interface as predicted.

1e15, 32 keV As implant annealed at 1050 C for 30 s.

Questions and comments to
BU/UW VLSI Process Modeling Lab